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Hero Ringtone

A powerful ballad with emotive vocals and soaring melodies, capturing the essence of courage, strength, and resilience in adversity.

00:00 / 00:29
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Download free Hero ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Hero ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Hero - Song Lyrics

Been here before, it's in my muscle memory
I'm pretty sure I recognize you
There is somethin' in your eyes
Won't let you get away tonight

You leave me in the dark
I'm stumblin' around like I'm a ques

tion mark
Wonderin' if you're around to catch me if I fall
If I come crashin' to the wall

Will you light me up, jump-start my heart?
I need someone before the sun goes down
Who's gonna save me now?
Some kind of hero

I can't breathe, hopin' you're here to rescue me
Before the sun goes down
Who's gonna save me now?
Some kind of hero

Been here before, it's in my muscle memory
I'm pretty sure I've felt this energy
There's somethin' in your touch
Somethin' reminded me of us

Will you light me up, jump-start my heart?
I need someone before the sun goes down
Who's gonna save me now?
Some kind of hero

I can't breathe, hopin' you're here to rescue me
Before the sun goes down
Who's gonna save me now?
Some kind of hero

Some kind of hero
Name: Hero - Sasha Alex Sloan
Category: Dance
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 43

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Dance Ringtones


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