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Heartbreak King Ringtone

A haunting melody filled with raw emotion and soulful vocals, telling the story of love lost and heartbreak endured.

00:00 / 00:26
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Download free Heartbreak King ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Heartbreak King ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Heartbreak King - Song Lyrics

The whole bar starts talking when I walk in
They all know my name, but I don't know them
I guess lonely ain't too hard to see
That's why they call me the Heartbreak King

I'm the guy that the girl lef

Hopin' that she'll come back, knowin' she never will
When they see me comin'
They keep on comin', 'cause they've all felt how I feel
Oh, another crown for the Heartbreak King
No, I don't know them, but they know me
All hail the Heartbreak King

Every time that old jukebox kicks on
It's a steel guitar and a hurtin' song
Like an old familiar melody
They turn it on up for the Heartbreak King

I'm the guy that the girl left
Hopin' that she'll come back, knowin' she never will
When they see me comin'
They keep on comin', 'cause they've all felt how I feel
Oh, another crown for the Heartbreak King
No, I don't know them, but they know me
All hail the Heartbreak King

I'm a glass half empty with my hat down low
Sittin' up high on my bar stool throne

I'm the guy that the girl left
Hopin' that she'll come back, knowin' she never will
When they see me comin'
They keep on comin', 'cause they've all felt how I feel
Oh, another double crown for the Heartbreak King
No, I don't know them, but they know me
All hail the Heartbreak King

The whole bar starts talkin' when I walk in
They all know my name, but I don't know them
Name: Heartbreak King - Ian Munsick
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 407.93 KB
Downloads: 13

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