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Good Day Ringtone

With its infectious beat and uplifting melody, this song radiates positivity, instantly brightening your mood and inspiring hope.

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Good Day - Song Lyrics

Okay, okay, okay

I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day)
No matter what they say (what they say)
The sun is shining down on me, birds are singing praise
I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day) in eve Read More >>

ry single way
The God who made the universe knows me by my name
So it's a good day

Baby in my arms walking through the neighbourhood
Living in the present, not would've, should've or could
I remember back when I was low as a rug
Now I'm standing up, look at what my Father does

Turning old things new, grey skies blue
Hear the church saying "Won't He do it"
I know He's got my back
That's why I'm singing that

I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day)
No matter what they say (what they say)
The sun is shining down on me, birds are singing praise
I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day) in every single way
The God who made the universe knows me by my name
So it's a good day (yea)

It's a good day, mmm no, it's great
Everything I prayed for didn't come in late
I got all I need, and I didn't have to wait
Ask me if You love me, You didn't hesitate

Turning old things new, grey skies blue
Hear the church saying "Won't He do it"
I know He's got my back
That's why I'm singing that

I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day)
No matter what they say (what they say)
The sun is shining down on me, birds are singing praise
I'm 'bout to have a good day (good day) in every single way
The God who made the universe knows me by my name
So it's a good day

Na-na-na-na (good day)
Na-na-na-na, na, na
Na-na-na-na, it's a good day
Na-na-na-na (good day)
Na-na-na-na, na, na
Na-na-na-na, it's a good day

Na-na-na-na, na, na
It's a good day
Name: Good Day - Forrest Frank
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 464.66 KB
Downloads: 272

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