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Glorious Ringtone

With an infectious beat and uplifting lyrics, this song transports listeners to a world of joy and triumph.

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Glorious - Song Lyrics

There are times when you might feel aimless
You can't see the places where you belong
But you will find that there is a purpose
It's been there within you, all along
And when you're near it, you can a Read More >>

lmost hear it

It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece, and there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's glorious

You will know how to let it ring out
As you discover who you are
Others around you, will start to wake up
To the sounds that are in their hearts
It's so amazing, what we're all creating

It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece, and there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's glorious

Glorious, glorious, glorious
As you feel the notes build higher
You will see

It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece, and there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's glorious
Name: Glorious - One Voice Children's Choir
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.56 KB
Downloads: 1269

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