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Fortnite Ringtone

This music is the theme song of a dance action in the Fortnite game. With its energetic rhythm and passionate melody, it allows players to release their enthusiasm and energy.

00:00 / 00:30
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Fortnite - Song Lyrics

Jack Dee (Jack Dee)
Fortnite (yeah)

I play Fortnite all day, all night
'Cause you know it's the realest game
I get them dubs, I don't deal with scrubs
Don't you ever disrespect my name
I bui

ld like myth and shoot like ninja
'Cause you know that I've got the tightest aim (yo)
And you'll get hit with a headshot
If you ever come inside my range

Everyone's like, "Rarr!"
'Cause they know I've got a scar
I can shoot 'em from near
I can shoot 'em from far
Better build quick or hide behind a car
It only takes a few hits and your game will be over

Unless it's squads and your friend gets the res
Better hope he's got shields
Better hope he's got meds
Also, you better hope the storm ain't coming
Or another team rushing, bomb chucking and gunning

'Cause this is nothing like Mario and Bowser
I get more W's than a web browser
You to me, better know you're a minor
I'll hit you from distance, headshot with the sniper

If you're a camper better know that I'll find ya
You won't see me coming as I'm creeping behind ya
You'll hear the footsteps but won't know where they're coming from
I'll hit you with the pump then spray you with the Tommy gun

I play Fortnite all day, all night
'Cause you know it's the realest game
I get them dubs, I don't deal with scrubs
Don't you ever disrespect my name
I build like myth and shoot like ninja
'Cause you know that I've got the tightest aim
And you'll get hit with a headshot (yo)
If you ever come inside my range

Quit dancing in the lobby, hurry and ready up
Now pick a location of where we're gonna drop
Have you got any ammo'? 'Cause I ain't got a lot
And I've just spotted someone over at Black Tops

I chucked a grenade, oh my days, what a hit
I bet it got him so mad and made him wanna rage-quit
Now his squad's rushing so we better move quick
As I switched to the SMG and let it just rip

I knocked down his build as he jumped from the top
Then he started bouncing 'round like he was on Moon Rocks
As we engaged in a shotgun battle
Then his friend flew in on the glider with the paddles

The rest of my team's down, so I'm going to have to glutch it
I picked up a RPG and just bussed it
As I killed the last one, I did a quick dab
Then I got off from the storm quick on a jump pad

I play Fortnite all day, all night
'Cause you know it's the realest game
I get them dubs, I don't deal with scrubs
Don't you ever disrespect my name
I build like myth and shoot like ninja
'Cause you know that I've got the tightest aim
And you'll get hit with a headshot
If you ever come inside my range

I get them Ws, Ws
Yeah, you know I do, know I do
I don't be catching them L's
I don't be catching them L's
I get them Ws, Ws
Yeah, you know I do, know I do
I don't be catching them L's
I don't be catching them L's

I play Fortnite all day, all night
'Cause you know it's the realest game
I get them dubs, I don't deal with scrubs
Don't you ever disrespect my name
I build like myth and shoot like ninja
'Cause you know that I've got the tightest aim
And you'll get hit with a headshot
If you ever come inside my range
(Range, range, range)
Name: Fortnite - Pisces
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 343

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