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Flower Ringtone

A heartfelt anthem celebrating growth and resilience, weaving tender melodies with uplifting lyrics that evoke hope, love, and self-discovery.

00:00 / 00:24
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Flower - Song Lyrics

Tenu chann kiven aakhan ni chann te vi daag ne
Jehda banu chakor tera, kis gabru de bhaag ne
Tenu chann kiven aakhan ni chann te vi daag ne
Jehda banu chakor tera, kis gabru de bhaag ne
Takk tor teri

nu mor vi chuk chuk sajda karde ne
Tenu phullan vargi kahiye ja phull tere varge ne - 2 times

Takk do naina da joda mirga addiyan akkhan ni
Tere mehak husn di kitey paagal baure lakhan ni
Takk do naina da joda mirga addiyan akkhan ni
Tere mehak husn di kitey paagal baure lakhan ni
Takk dul dul pehnda joban vagde charrne khadge ne
Tenu phullan vargi kahiye ja phull tere varge ne - 2 times

Jad waal sakaanwe tu jat khad jaandiyan pauna ni
Tu lutt liya din da chain haye raatan da sauna ni
Jad waal sakaanwe tu jat khad jaandiyan pauna ni
Tu lutt liya din da chain haye raatan da sauna ni
Tenu dekh ke kinne gabru haunke bhar bhar marrge ne
Tenu phullan vargi kahiye ja phull tere varge ne - 2 times

Teri kise vail de wangu seenay bai gayi surat ni
Sau rab di tu Raikoti di bani jaroorat ni
Teri kise vail de wangu seenay bai gayi surat ni
Sau rab di tu Raikoti di bani jaroorat ni
Tere kadmaan te dil inde hori taahi dhar ge ne
Tenu phullan vargi kahiye ja phull tere varge ne
Name: Flower - Gippy Grewal
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 24s
File Size: 374.97 KB
Downloads: 133

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