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Explode Ringtone

A high-energy anthem bursting with raw passion and intense emotion, driving beats and electrifying vocals that ignite the senses.

00:00 / 00:35
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Explode - Song Lyrics

Queen Diva
She 'bout to explode
Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
(Let's go, let's go, let's go!)
Yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak
Yak, yak, yak, y

ak, yak, yak, yak, yak

I've been workin' all day (workin' all day)
I've been workin' all night (workin' all night)
Now play dat beat, I'ma be all right (be all right)
I've been workin' all day (workin' all day)
I've been workin' all night (workin' all night)
Now play dat beat, I'ma be all right (be all right)

I'm 'bout to explode, take off this load
Unleash my belt and make it go
I'm 'bout to explode, take off this load
Bend it, bus' it open, won't ya make it go

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release yo' wiggle)
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release yo' wiggle)

Release yo', release yo', release yo' wiggle
Release yo', release yo', release yo' wiggle
Release yo', release yo', release yo' wiggle
Release yo', release yo', release yo' wiggle

Release ya anger, yelease ya mind
Release ya job, release the time
Release ya trade, release the stress
Release the love, forget the rest

Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
Ohh, let's go! (Let's go!)
(Let's go, let's go, let's go!)

Let it go now, pounch of the floor now
Let it go now, time to explode now
Let it go now, pounch of the floor now
Let it go now, let it explode now

Pounch on 'em, pounch on 'em
Pounch on 'em, pounch on 'em
Poun-poun-poun-poun-poun-poun (come on)
Pounch on 'em, pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), we're gonna

We'll wiggle on 'em (we'll wiggle on 'em)
We rock on 'em (we rock on 'em)
We gonna drop on 'em (drop on 'em)
We gonna work on 'em (work on 'em)
Shake it to the DJ (shake it to the DJ)
Work it to the DJ (work it to the DJ)
Bounce it to the DJ (bounce it to the DJ)
Move it to the DJ (move it to the DJ)
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake yo' machine (shake yo' machine)
Bounce it, bounce it, bounce it, bounce it, bounce the machine (bounce the machine)

'Bout to explode, take off this load
Unleash my belt and make it go
I'm 'bout to explode, take off this load
Bend it, bus' it open, won't ya make it go

Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release yo' wiggle)
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka
Yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka, yaka (release yo' wiggle)

It's been a long day
It's been a long night
Cut loose, get loose, do you, alright!
It's been a long day
It's been a long night
Cut loose, get loose, do you, alright!

Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)
Shake your bun (shake your bun)

Pounch on 'em, pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), pounch on 'em (louder)
Pounch on 'em (louder), we're gonna

We'll wiggle on 'em (we'll wiggle on 'em)
We rock on 'em (we rock on 'em)
We gonna drop on 'em (drop on 'em)
We gonna work on 'em (work on 'em)
Shake it to the DJ (shake it to the DJ)
Work it to the DJ (work it to the DJ)
Bounce it to the DJ (bounce it to the DJ)
Move it to the DJ (move it to the DJ)
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake yo' machine (shake yo' machine)
Bounce it, bounce it, bounce it, bounce it, bounce the machine (come on!)

Ohh, let's go!
Name: Explode - Big Freedia
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 35s
File Size: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 122

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