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Creatures In Heaven Ringtone

A hauntingly beautiful melody with ethereal vocals and dreamy instrumentation that transports listeners to a heavenly realm of wonder.

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Creatures In Heaven - Song Lyrics

Are you waiting on something profound in your life?
Something to touch your core?
Making up for what seems millions of years
Reaping the goods, but not sure

Come along, come along
Can you see there's

Not just defeat vain attempts to do things right
More than the toil to endure each day
Or the ache you forget and leave behind

If creatures roamed the space in heaven
They're angels, beasts, or supermen
Do they ease attaining things
No one believed you'd achieve?
So once you may ascend to heaven
Someone there has made it so
You could be the one they've been waiting for

Still running about seeking sense in your life
What you couldn't make count before
Taking much of your time is grieving about things
Well, you could care less, what's that for

Come along, come along
Can you see there's more?
Not just defeat vain attempts to do things right
More than the toil to endure each day
Or the ache you forget and leave behind

Come along, come along
Can you see there's more?
Not just defeat vain attempts to do things right
More than the toil to endure each day
Or the ache you forget and leave behind

If creatures roamed the space in heaven
They're angels, beasts, or supermen
Do they ease attaining things
No one believed you'd achieve?
So once you may ascend to heaven
Someone there has made it so
You could be the one they've been waiting for
Name: Creatures In Heaven - Helloween
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 25s
File Size: 392.42 KB
Downloads: 4

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