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Bol Mitti Deya Baweya Ringtone

With its melodious kirtan style, this song expresses devotion to God and thoughts about life, making people feel inner peace and strength.

00:00 / 00:35
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Bol Mitti Deya Baweya - Song Lyrics

Ho Bol mitti diaa baaviaah, Tere dukhaan ne maar muka liaa
Mera sohna maahi, Aaaja ho

Ho mitti di main baava banayia, Utte taan ditti aa khesi
Vatana vaale maan karan, Ki main maan karaan pardesi

a sohna maahi, Aaaja ho

Ho boohe agge laanva berriaan,
Gallan ghar ghar hovan teriaan te meriaan
Mainu shakal dikhaaja, Aaja ho

Ho gam vich tere Dholana, Sanu maaf karin manda bolana
Mainu shakal dikhaaja, Aaja ho

Ho Bol Mitti diaa baavia, Ho Bol Mitti diaa baavia
Kion ni bolda, Poora Kion ni bolda,
Dillan dee ghundi nu, vairiaa nahin kholda

Jadh maaeeat nazrin aanvdi,
Cheti karan upaa
Paani sambhan baith ke,
Toon ditte khoob lava.

Maan Dhee Nu Mattan dendi
Toon maaya vich mohi nee
Tainu lajj kise di naahin,
Moonh di laigee loee ni.

Sahib da darvaza neenvaan
Toon pagri uthiaaee ni
Shaam savere raafal kuriye
Sutiaan rehan viiahe nee

Kee hoya, kee Hoya Tainu
Charkhe tand naa paee ni
Ban baithe panj foolaan rani
Ghar vich hukam chalaya ni
9 darvaje mehel tere te
Ucha bahut banaaya nee
Jis kolo toon kotha leeta
Kaaraj na larvaiya nee
Nadhi kinaare dhaab ret dee
Kandh ret dee paaee ne.
Shaam savere raafal kuriye
Sutiaan rehan biiahee nee
Name: Bol Mitti Deya Baweya - Alam Lohar
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 35s
File Size: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 4

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