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Becoming Insane Rmx Ringtone

Becoming Insane Rmx MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Becoming Insane Rmx ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Becoming Insane Rmx ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Becoming Insane Rmx - Song Lyrics

I spent my nights
On melting snow
Just turning my sorrows into pure gold
And I laugh inside
'Cause you won't know
I was here from the moment the lights showed

Oh, bless my heart
When the wolves take

me away
Don't fall apart
When I come back from the grave
Forget my charms
I'll never be the same
We've came so far
Only to drift away

Oh, bless my heart
When the wolves take me away
Don't fall apart
When I come back from the grave
Forget my charms
I'll never be the same
We've came so far
Only to go insane

No one will notice
Ooh, ooh
I'm sane

Stay by my side
When the nightmare goes
I've been feeling distant, just way out of control
But I laugh inside
Just so you can glow in the dark
When it's time for me

So just stay
Why don't you wanna stay?
You just wanna trip me out
Why don't you wanna stay?

Oh, bless my heart
When the wolves take me away
Don't fall apart
When I come back from the grave
Forget my charms
I'll never be the same
We've came so far
Only to go insane

No one will notice
Ooh, ooh
I'm sane
I'm sane

Can't see

I'm sane

I waited endlessly all night
Looking up at all the fireflies in the skies
I made it carefully to your side
That's when the lights turned on, and you were just a lie

I'm sane
I'm sane
Name: Becoming Insane Rmx - DPR IAN
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 14s
File Size: 214.57 KB
Downloads: 9

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