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Beautiful Things Ringtone

A soothing melody filled with hope and wonder, capturing the beauty of life's simple moments and inspiring gratitude.

00:00 / 00:33
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Beautiful Things - Song Lyrics

It's been getting pretty dark in L.A. these days
I don't open any blinds 'cause I'm not okay
Yeah, I lost a part of me getting hit with all this grief
I've forgotten how to breathe
It's been getting p

retty dark in L.A. these days

Then there was you
Out of the blue
To rip me in two

Sometimes you're falling in love
When your heart's still broken, it don't make sense
Sometimes you're still on the mend
When you're cut wide open, with no defense
Honestly, I don't know how it ends
You've been teaching me to love again
Even in the worst that life brings
There's still beautiful things, beautiful things

Life's been playing tug of war with my heart today
So I was crying in my car 'til I saw your face
How can it be so confusing? Winning then I'm losing
There's not a strong conclusion
Life's been playing tug of war with my heart today

Then there was you
Out of the blue
To rip me in two

Sometimes you're falling in love
When your heart's still broken, it don't make sense
Sometimes you're still on the mend
When you're cut wide open, with no defense
Honestly, I don't know how it ends
You've been teaching me to love again
Even in the worst that life brings
There's still beautiful things, beautiful things

You make me see (see)
Beautiful things, beautiful things
You make me believe (believe)
In beautiful things, beautiful things
You make me see (see)
Beautiful things, beautiful things
You make me believe (believe)
In beautiful things, beautiful things

Sometimes you're falling in love
When your heart's still broken, it don't make sense
Sometimes you're still on the mend
When you're cut wide open, with no defense
Honestly, I don't know how it ends
You've been teaching me to love again
Even in the worst that life brings
There's still beautiful things, beautiful things
There's beautiful
Name: Beautiful Things - Brynn Elliott
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 11

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