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Af1 - Instrumental Bgm Ringtone

Af1 - Instrumental Bgm MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Af1 - Instrumental Bgm ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Af1 - Instrumental Bgm ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Af1 - Instrumental Bgm - Song Lyrics

Blue jeans, gold teeth
Air Force 1's on my feet
Red belt, chained down
All the way to my knees
Tommy shirt, chain smirk
Long sleeve underneath

Ay, ay, ay
Blue jeans, gold teeth
Air Force 1's on my

Red belt, chained down
All the way to my knees
Tommy shirt, chain smirk
Long sleeve underneath
Hair dyed, brown eyes
Rocking hoop earrings

Black fit, striped shirt looking clean
Count all this money, bitch, I'm counting green
I don't give a fuck, hoe, I'on go to sleep
Bitch wanna talk to me, tell that hoe to dream
Goth boy, e-boy, that's the style I mess with
Skull ring, silver chain and a lock necklace
Doc martins, chain sparkling, ticking off my checklist
Band tee, wrist clean, all the things I'm flexin'
These niggas want that drip, that's some goth shit
Only wear the chains 'cause, bitch, I look gothic
I just want a goth bitch
I don't want no top, bitch
I just want your love, bitch
Is that shit enough, bitch?

Blue jeans, gold teeth
Air Force 1's on my feet
Red belt, chained down
All the way to my knees
Tommy shirt, chain smirk
Long sleeve underneath
Hair dyed, brown eyes
Rocking hoop earrings
Name: Af1 - Instrumental Bgm - Lilbubblegum
Category: Hip Hop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 32s
File Size: 497.8 KB
Downloads: 35

Af1 - Instrumental Bgm Related Ringtones

Hip Hop Ringtones


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