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Aaja Ve Mahiya Ringtone

Feel the pulsating beat of a passionate love ballad, filled with yearning, longing, and soulful melodies that captivate the heart.

00:00 / 00:26
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Download free Aaja Ve Mahiya ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Aaja Ve Mahiya ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Aaja Ve Mahiya - Song Lyrics

Mister H...
Lagde ne nain mere ve
Labde ne raah tere ve
Mahiya aja ve dhola aja ve
Mahiya aja ve dhola aja ve
Boliyan te agi meri jaan ve soneya
Haye dil kamla kamzor hogaya
Nazuk kachi dor hogaya

kamla kamzor hogaya
Nazuk kachi dor hogaya
Nai chaldi koi vaah vaah na chaldi ve
Mere yaara ve hoye dildara ve
Bina tere nai hun guzzara ve
Boliyan te agi meri jaan ve soneya
Haye joban rutti duldi java
Hun me sab kuch bhuldi java
Joban rutti duldi java
Hun me sab kuch bhuldi java
Mardi gal naal laa gal naal la margi
Mere yaara ve hoye dil dara ve bina tere nai hun guzara ve
Boliyan te agi meri jaan ve soneya
Me esa ho te sukhdi javan
Tukka tukka mukdi javan
Me esa ho te sukhdi javan
Tukka tukka mukdi javan
Nai turde pameya saah sah nai turde ve
Mere yaara ve hoye dil dara ve
Bina tere nai hun guzara ve
Boliya te agi meri jaan ve soneya
Hoye soneya ve soneya...
Name: Aaja Ve Mahiya - Harbhajan Shera
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 410.89 KB
Downloads: 183

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